Yashjyoti Debt Consultancy Private Limited is one of the fastest growing soft Debt collection agencies with potential network group. Yash Services efficiently manages to collect debts and provide other related services at reasonable rates by executing 5 magic mantras.

Each customer is a unique bundle of needs, wants, desires, expectations, qualities, values, and sensitivities. It is of utmost importance to understand them like the back of your hand, right from the basics to expectations, concerns, compulsions, and everything around them.

This understanding of your customer will help you communicate with them better and convey that you care. And that is what will go a long way towards building a strong bond of trust between you and them.

Organisations devote a lot of time, efforts and energy towards developing their strategies for their business, towards deployment of technology, operational issues, manpower retention, but don’t care to put in place a customer strategy.

Working out a well thought out plan to add more to your customer's experience will help you identify the gaps in your service and bridge them. At the same time it will help you move up further, where you are already doing well. Having done that, go a step further and design a specific strategy for each customer and business partner based on your knowledge about them.

You can begin with your top 20 percent of customers, who contribute 80 percent of your business. This way, you will institute a systematic approach and philosophy that will be easily followed by all in the company.

Customers hired your services on the basis of what you promised to them. Always ensure that you stick to your word and remain trustworthy.

No one wants to do business with dishonest individuals and the organizations they represent. Honesty and reliability are the keys to lasting relationships.

These days everyone talks about providing customer service. So customer service is passé. It is the bare minimum required to survive in the market and is no longer a differentiator.It is going an extra mile over and above the bare minimum that can give you a competitive edge.

You have a great opportunity to promise more than what others do and deliver much more than that. Set you own benchmarks way above what the competition does and then surpass them. Be exclusive, innovative and unique and provide tailor-made solutions toy your individual customer's specific needs.

Be a facilitator, and make it convenient and easy for them to remain in business with you. Put your self in your customer's shoes to understand where it pinches. Listen to them with sensitivity. Take corrective action whenever required. Don’t hide behind the policies and systems. Remember, policies and systems are for the people not the other way round. They are meant to facilitate transactions, not to complicate them.

If you apply these mantras of customer service excellence, you will be building an organisational culture with customer as its pivot. By helping others, within and outside your team assimilate these mantras and facilitate their implementation you will not only win your customer's loyalty but will also make your business more predictable and profitable