Customer Service excellence 5 Magic Mantras
Yashjyoti Debt Consultancy Private Limited is one of the fastest-growing soft debt collection agencies with a potential network group. YDCPL efficiently manages to collect debts and provide other related services at reasonable rates by executing five magic mantras.
5 Magic Mantras
Magic Mantra 1
Understand them better
Each customer is a unique bundle of needs, wants, desires, expectations, qualities, values, andsensitivities.
Magic Mantra 2
Design a customer action plan
Organisations devote a lot of time, efforts and energy towards developing their strategies for their business.
Magic Mantra 3
Keep your word
Customers hired your services on the basis of what you promised to them.
Magic Mantra 4
Alwaysover deliver
These days everyone talks about providing customer service. So customer service is passe.
Magic Mantra 5
Help them do business with you
Be a facilitator, and make it convenient and easy for them to remain in business with you.